Re-Capping Branch Circuit Worksheets

To re-cap worksheets, begin by adding the columns of conduit and the columns of conduit fittings.


On the left side of the worksheet, list the sizes of wire shown in the wire column beginning with the smallest size.


To find the total footage of wire on each worksheet, begin by add multiplying the number of wires times the footage of pipe that the wire is contained in.

Starting with the #12 wire, the first entry will be the 2-#12 in 820 feet of conduit. On your calculator, multiply 2 x 820. The total will be 1,640. Enter 1,640 into the memory of the calculator. The next entry will be 3-#12 in 410 feet of conduit. Multiply 3 x 410 and enter the total of 1,230 feet into the memory of the calculator. At this time you are accumulating the footage of #12 wire. Next multiply the 4-#12 x 160 feet of conduit and enter the total of 640 feet into the memory. The next entry will be the 2-#12 in 340 feet of GRC. Enter that total of 680 feet into the memory. The last entry into the memory will be the 330 feet of #12 wire that will be pulled into the continuous rows of light fixtures.

Now that all the #12 wire has been entered, hit the memory total of the calculator to display the total footage of #12 wire. The answer will be 4,520 feet of #12 wire. This, however, is the total footage of wire from end to end of conduit. Make-up and waste must be added so that terminations can be made to devices and equipment.

Most estimators use a figure of 15 percent for make-up and waste. By multiplying 4,520 feet of wire by 1.15, the answer will be 5,198. A common rule is to round off to the nearest ten, which will bring the total footage of #12 wire for worksheet E-1 to 5,200 feet. Write this total next to the #12 on your worksheet.


Repeat this same procedure for re-capping the remaining wire types.



Follow this same procedure for re-capping all branch circuit worksheets.

Note: Re-capping branch circuit worksheets is an operation that can be performed by an office clerk.